Texas Mason Flag Wallpaper

You may have seen the proposed credit card image that I worked on at Grand Communication this year in Waco Texas. Well this is a slight spin on that one. Mainly it’s missing all of the credit card placement items.

It was high time that I made a Texas Mason wallpaper that hopefully rings true to the passion we have for our Fraternity.

This is a special release because this is the first time that I am using one of my Freemason Square and Compasses that are for sale at FossilBluff.com. Also, this wallpaper pack includes my first ever Playstation 3 wallpaper.

Included are:

iPhone / iPod, Android / Droid, Widescreen, Standard, Playstation 3 (PS3)

Contact Me >> We’re taking a break until April 22nd. You may still place your order but we won’t be shipping until around the 26th. – S&F, Bro. Tom McGuire PM

* Our digital artwork/wallpaper downloads SHALL NOT BE USED for commercial purposes or be sold or resold as a design element on another third party product. They are solely intended to be used for the benefit of the Craft. Anyone selling reproductions of these images without my written permission or from it’s creator is violating their Masonic oath or infringing on international copyright laws. They are not opensource, public-domain, for parody, or fair-use. You do not own them and copyright remains firmly with Fossil Bluff or it’s creator.


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