Forge Yourself Masonic Wallpaper

“You cannot dream yourself into a character, you must hammer and forge yourself into one.”

It all started with a simple idea to find a way to express that Freemasonry isn’t a set it and forget it process. It is a lifelong endeavor that requires constant and fierce examination of yourself and the world around you.

The quote “You cannot dream yourself into a character; you must hammer and forge yourself into one.” is the best example of the only thing left after we have all passed the veil, is our character and we should constantly be putting ourselves through the rigor of improving it.

The Source of the quote is from “The Nemesis of Faith” (1849) by James Anthony Froude; Markham Sutherland’s father, quoted in Letter I and is often mis-attributed to Henry D. Thoreau, as no authentic source for it has yet been found.

Forge Yourself Freemason - Fossil Bluff HD Masonic Wallpaper
Forge Yourself Freemason - Fossil Bluff HD Masonic Wallpaper

* Our digital artwork/wallpaper downloads SHALL NOT BE USED for commercial purposes or be sold or resold as a design element on another third party product. They are solely intended to be used for the benefit of the Craft. Anyone selling reproductions of these images without my written permission or from it’s creator is violating their Masonic oath or infringing on international copyright laws. They are not opensource, public-domain, for parody, or fair-use. You do not own them and copyright remains firmly with Fossil Bluff or it’s creator.

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